Wow what a weekend the boy had. The whole Trinity Fjords gang (Brian Ursula Wanda and Julie) spent the weekend in the very small town of 70Mile House in the Cariboo this weekend. About a 5hr drive from home (faster coming home cause it's all downhill)...The Huber brothers held their 3rd annual Cariboo Trails CDE. A venue in the growing stages but there were over 30 entries and it was EC (Equine Canada sanctioned). Quite a love area obviously a haven for fishing and hunting and we were told that mosquitos would be bad but we were lucky and did no problems: at dusk the stingers came out but soon left when it was dark.
This was our first attendance and we had a great time. The hazards were challenging but the land was mostly flat and only a small rough section during section A.
Erik was amazing: He again won his division in Preliminary Dressage and this time Ursula managed to steer him straight thru the cones course without faults...yeeeehaa...we were 1st overall after Dressage and Cones. In the two years that he has been driving with me he has won every dressage division and has moved up from Training to Preliminary in that time...quite a feat and shows how much he enjoys the sport. Julie (my navigator)saved my butt in the Hazards but we did get our share of time faults due to being too fast on section A and some brain farts in the Hazards...Oh well...Erik found that his 'motor' was at the back and that it would stand him well to use it.It all came together for him this weekend and I am thrilled with his prgress.
Wanda also won her Training dressage division for pony pairs and she drove an amazing test: unfortunately she had three balls down in cones...so sad..Julie had her hands full with Raynor who,of course, manages to attract his share of attention by being a show off and decided to drive the test HIS way. He duked her several times and but by the time of the cones course he had settled somewhat and she managed to get him straight enought to go clear on the course.
Brian drove the 4-in-hand and of course got his fair share of attention just by showing up. The four are so impressive as a unit and he drives them well. His dressage test was exceptional but they set the course too tight for the cones...the judge apologized and gave him his time. I did not get photos cause I was getting ready for my own test.
When all was said and done, Erik received 'best conditioned Horse of the Event" and won me a stethoscope from the Vet. I was thrilled as that is a great compliment for his conditioning and shows we were ready to take on this event. I also won the Sportmanship award and placed 3rd overall in our division. Brian got first for multiples.A great time was had by all....look out next year>>!!